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3. Kingdom Protista

( The Very First)

Termed by Ernest Haeckel (1866) [John Hogg called Protocista]


3. Need water based environment, fresh/marine or snow or damp soil 
4. all aerobic ,mitochondria for cellular respiration 
5. Some with chloroplast and can do photosynthesis 
6. Reproduction: asexual or Sexual
7. cyst formation for Perination.



  n  Golden Brown Algae (nanoplanktons): free swimming, unicellular, but some filamentous &colonial forms. Some lack cell wall & others have pectic walls.1-2 flagella, mostly photosynthetic (Ch. a & c, carotenoides & xanthophylls). Founder of the marine food chain.

  n  Diatoms (Bacillarophyta) related group. Finely sculptured cell wall, aquatic, part of marine food web “pastures of sea”. Unicellular & solitary, either radially symmetrical & non motile (Centrales) or bilaterally symmetrical showing gliding motion (Pennales). Cell called FRUSTULE has two openings (outer Epitheca & inner Hypotheca),edges are incurved to form Girdles. A linear perforation forming longitudinal slit (Raphe) is present at the back of each valve. Cell wall highly Siliceous. Chromatophores are Golden-Green or Golden-Brown ( Ch. a & c, beta carotene, Xanthin complex). Reserve food is FAT & VOLUTIN. Reproduction: Asexual (auxospores) Sexual (isogamy or oogamy). ECONOMIC IMP: contribute to the dry matter of photosynthetic produce (pasture of sea), Diatomaceous earth/Diatomite (Siliceous cell wall deposits) , used in water filters, abrasive, add sparkling quality to products like paints used on roads & fingernail polish.

A Typical Chrysophyta


Dinoflagellata means “Whirling Swimmer”, Unicellular photosynthetic organisms having TWO Flagella, Nucleus very large with high amount of DNA(Mesokaryon), Some without cell wall & some with cellulosic wall, {Largest is Noctiluca} mostly marine as phytoplanctons (source of food in food chain), Pyrrophyta means “fire plant” for their ability of BIOLUMINISCENCE(eg. Noctiluca emits a bright blue-green light when disturbed), green pigments are often masked by red pigments sometimes causing “Red Tides”(eg. Gonyaulax &Protocentrum) accumulation of which kill many marine organisms as Dinoflagellata produce powerful toxins (saxitoxin, brevitoxin) causing respiratory failure. Accumulation of these organisms in pearls & oysters through Food Chain results in “Shell fish poisoning”, Chromatophores contain Ch.a &c, carotenes, xanthin & peridinin. Reserve food as Fat & Oil , Reproduction primarily asexual( long. Cell div.) Some also called “Fire Algae” eg. Noctiluca, Gonyaulax.

Dinoflagellata Structure


Mostly Freshwater, Unicellular, Naked, Motile form, Lack rigid outer covering (Euglenoid movement), Chromatophore discoid or stellate, Photosynthetic pigment Ch.a & b, B-carotene, Xanthophyll (Close resemblance to chlorophycean algae), Reserve Food is PARAMYLUM STARCH, Nutrition Generally MYXOTROPHIC. Cells flagellate attachment near gullet or eye spot. Reproduction by Long. Fission, Sexual rep. absent. Perinnation through cysts.

A Typical Euglenoid



About 70 spp., MOSTLY LOOK & BEHAVE LIKE AMOEBA, working with Pseudopodia, During starvation they aggregate to form mass called SLUG which transform into fruiting body.(tips contain dormant amoeba like spores) some spores fuse to show sexual reproduction before release, on release these spores form new amoeba and continue life Dictyostelium discoideum.


About 500 spp., bizarre organisms stream like plasmodium (non walled, multinucleate mass of protoplasm) ; during feeding phase they may be coloured & reproduce asexually. During food shortage they migrate rapidly to a new area and form a spored Fruiting structure (sporangium), spores are highly resistant (performs meiosis to produce swarm cells acting as gamets) Fusion of gametes form new plasmodium. Physarum, Arcyria, Fuligo, Tubifera.

OOMYCOTA (“Egg Fungi”)

500 spp. Of “water moulds and downy mildew”. Filamentous protists, saprophytes; large round Oogonia (oogamous sexual reproduction), cell wall made of cellulose & glycans (Plant like) or Chitin (Fungus like) or both. More closely linked to “brown Algae” then Fungus. DISEASES: - (a) Sprolegnia cause lesions on fish skin in fish farms & parasite on other aquatic invertebrates. (b) Albugo candida cause “white rust of crucifers”. (c) Downy Mildew of Lettuce, corn, cabbage etc.. (d) Phytophthora infestans cause “Late blight of Potato”. (e)  Plasmopera viticola cause “Downy mildew of Grapes”.
Egg Fungi


  Ø  Term “Protozoa” coined by G.A. Goldfuss (1848) while Richard Owen (1861) called them “Acrita”
  Ø  Acellular or Protoplasmic level of body organization. Osmoregulation by contractile vacuole in free living forms, Nitrogenous excretion as ammonia, Nutrition Holozioc (amoeba)/ Holophytic (Euglena)/ Saprophytic (Mastigamoeba), Gaseous exchange through diffusion of gases.
  Ø  Fossilized forms of Shelled protozoa (Arcella, Difflugia, Elphidium, Foraminiferans) are associated with Petroleum bearing formations. Continuous Internal Skeleton between ecto-/endo-plasm is found in Radiolarians.
  Ø 7 -Phylum: Sarcomastigophora, Labyrinthomorpha, Apicomplexa, Microspora, Acetospora, Myxozoa, Ciliophora.
  Ø Sarcomastigophora (Largest Phylum): Sarcodina (eg. Amoeba) and Mastigophora/Flagellata (eg. Trypanosoma)
  Ø AMOEBA: discovered by Rosenhoff (1757) & named by Saint-Vincent (Greek God amoibe means “to Change”}. It lives in fresh water & grow in lab by “Hay Infusion Method”. Locomotion by Pseudopodia (Lobopodia), amoeboid movement based on “Sol Gel Theory” given by Hyman (1917) supported by Pantin (1923) & Mast (1926). Nucleus is solid & biconcave containing 500-600 chromatin granules.(290 billion bp in its genome).
  Ø Entamoeba histolytica (amoebic dysentery/Amoebiasis) E. gingivalis (Pyorrhoea/bleeding gums). Most common medicine for Amoebiasis is Metragyl or Flagyl. Entamoeba coli lives in Human Colon (commensal).
  Ø ZOOMASTIGOPHORA: Trypanosoma gambiense (Gambian/African sleeping sickness spread by Tse-Tse fly Glossina palpalis) & T.rhodesiense (Rhodesian/East-central African Trypanosomiasis). T. cruzi (Chaga’s disease or South American Trypanosomiasis spread by bugs like Triatoma).
  Ø Giardia intestinalis (colon of man) cause Giardiasis.
  Ø Leishmania donovani cause Kala Azar (visceral Leishmaniasis/ Dum-Dum Fever) affecting Liver, spleen, bone marrow & intestinal villi, spread through Sandy Fly (Phlebotomus). L.tropica cause Oriental sore (Cutaneous leishmaniasis). L.brasiliansis causes ‘Espundia’ or “Naso-Oral Leishmaniasis” in S. America.

Protozoan Protists

  Ø SPOROZOA (exclusively parasites): No locomotory organ (wriggling movement). Reproduction by spore formation. No contractile vacuole, complex life history. (a) Plasmodium cause Malaria (spread by female anopheles mosquito) (b) Monocystis  parasitise the seminal vesicles of earthworm (c) Eimeria cause coccidiosis in rabbit & chicken (d) Babesia cause hemoglobinurea fever in cattle.
  Ø Malaria (“Bad air”): - Plasmodium was discovered by Alphonse Laveran (1880). Ronald Ross (Nobel Prize in 1902) described the life history of Plasmodium in female Anopheles. Out of 60 only four species of Plasmodium parasitizes man (P.vivax, P.ovale, P.malariae, P.falciparum). Sporozoite is the infective stage in human. “Hematin” is the Toxin.

courtsey online biology notes

Malaria Type/ agent

Pre patent period
Incubation period
Pigmentation in RBC
P. vivax
Benign Tertian Malaria
8 days
14 days
Schuffner’s Dot
PCR technique
P. malariae
 Quartan Malaria
8 days
30 days
Ziemann’s Dot
Giemsa stain
P. ovale
Mild Tertian Malaria
12 days
14 days
 Schuffner’s Dot
 Giemsa stain
P. falciparum
Sub tertian/Estivo-autumnal /Malignant malaria
4 days
12 days
Maurer’s Dot
 PCR technique

# RTS (Vaccine) is under trial (Phase III) for P. falciparum

  Ø Balantidium coli (Largest Protozoa) only ciliate of medical importance parasitizing human beings (colon & caecum). It produces Hyaluronidase to invade mucous. Contaminated food & water (oral) cause infection.
  Ø Paramecium (Slipper Animalcule) is a free living ciliate. Body contains pellicle, caudal tuft, Trichocyst (for offense & defense), Macro- /Micro-nucleus, two contractile vacuole, cytostome (mouth) & cytopyge/cytoproct (anus). Paramecium is a filter feeder; it has Kappa/Lambda/Mu/Pi particles in cytoplasm.

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