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2. Kingdom - Monera

Coined by: Ernst Haeckel (1866)
 1. Group of highly primitive Prokaryotes (Oldest of the Living Fossils). Gram +ve, mostly Non Motile.
2. Cell Wall made of Non Cellulosic polysaccharides & proteins (Not Peptidoglycans as in eubacteria)
3. Cell wall contains branched chain lipids (cause for high tolerance of heat & pH)
TYPES: 1. Methanogens: Anaerobic,produce  CH4 from Formic acid & CO2, eg: Methanococcus; Methanobacterium
Click here for link:-( Methanogen)

             2. Halophiles: Live in Saline conditions,trap solar energy by purple pigmented membrane to produce ATP & not for synthesis of food. Eg; Halococcus;Halobacterium

Click here for link:-(Halophile)
            3. Thermoacidophiles: Found in Hot Sulphur Springs,(800 C),Aerobic microbes,oxidize sulphur to sulphuric acid; under anaerobic conditions some can reduce Sulphur to H2S. eg;Pyrococcus, Thermoplasma
Click here for link:- (  Thermophile )
EUBACTERIA: Observed firstly by A V Leeuwenhoek (1675); termed Bacteria by Ehrenberg (1838)
           1. SIZE: 20-100A0 to 700-800A0. Largest is Thiomargarita namibiensis (1000-3000A0)
                      2. SHAPE: Coccus; Bacillus; Spirillum; Vibrio
                     3. FLAGELLUM (9+0) may be present or absent.
                    4. Minute hair like protenicious structures on the surface (FIMBRIAE or PILI)
                    5. CELL WALL : Peptidoglycans(amino sugar) & N- acetyl Muremic acid (NAM) containing N-aceryl glucosamine (NAG) linled together by beta 1-4-linkage. [sometimes diamino pimilic acid & Teichoic acid also present]
                   6. MESOSOME (inmany gram +ve bacteria) as an infolding of cell memberane, functions for Respiration.
                  7. RESERVE FOOD: Glycogen & Lipid storesas fat globules & poly-beta-hydroxybuterate.
                   8. NUTRITION: Autotrophic (PHOTO:- eg. Green Sulphur bacteria, Rhodospirillum;;  CHEMO:- Nitrosomonas & Nitrobactor  from Ammonia; Thiobacillus from Sulphur oxidation) HETEROTROPHIC: Parasitic, Saprotrophic & Symbiotic.
                   9. REPRODUCTION: ASEXUAL: Binary Fission / Budding (eg. Rhodomicrobium) Conidia (eg. Streptomyces) Cyst (eg. Azotobactor) Endospore. SEXUAL: Conjugation /Transformation /Transduction.
                   10. PLASMID: Extranuclear circular DNA present in cell.

      JUMPING GENES (TRANSPOSONES) ::  Discovered by McClintock (1965)—DNA segments which can move from one molecule to another and carry resistance for antibiotic Penecillin.
      ACTINOMYCETES:--unicellular,branched,filamentous bacteria, similar to fungal mycelium hence called Mycobacteria.
      MYCOPLASMA: simplest & smallest of free Prokaryotes. (PPLO) Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Smallest living cell)   [ Click link here:-  Mycoplasma ]
     CYANOBACTERIA (Blue green algae):phototrophic prokaryotes, aquatic, Thallus body . Food is cyanophycean starch & Protien, Reproduction by fragmentation/akinets/endospores/hormogonia etc..
[ click here:- Cyanobacteria]


Ø  ARTIFICIAL (ANCIENT SCRIPTS):- also by Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) and Linnaeus (1737) in ‘Genera Plantarum’.
Ø  NATURAL SYSTEM:- First by John Ray; also by A.L de Jussiue, A.P de Candolle. Best explained flowering plants by Bentham & Hooker (Dicots/Gymnosperms/Monocots) .
Ø  PHYLOGENETIC: Firstly by Engler & Prantl in  Die Naturlichen  Pflanzen  Familien” ,Followed by John Hutchinson, Takhtajan [ “Taxonomy without Phylogeny is just like bones without flesh”]
Ø  CLADISTIC (MODERN PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEM): Given by E.H Willy Henning (1950)- based on evolutionary history. The Phylogenetic tree is also called Genealogical tree or Dendrogram.
Ø  PHENATIC: OLDEST METHOD (Theophrastus 4BC) as many characters as possibly visible.

NEW SYSTEMATICS (by Sir Julian Huxley):

Ø  It includes all the known characteristics of an organism like Genetics, Cytology, Ecology, Selection theory, Natural History, Paleontology , Physiology etc..
Ø  CYTOTAXONOMY: based on cellular structure & functions (mostly structure & number of chromosomes)
Ø  NUMERICAL TAXONOMY: use number algorithm like Cluster analysis( proposed by Sokal & Sneath,1963) Its application is enhanced with computer technology (Bioinformatics)
Ø  CHEMOTAXONOMY(Biochemical Systematics by John Griffith Vaughan): comparison of Biochemical compositions, mostly Proteins, amino acids & peptide bonds. It divides compounds into Micro- (molecular weight less than 1000eg. Amino acids, fatty acids) & Macro- molecules (molecular weight greater than 1000 eg. Proteins, Polysaccharides, DNA).


*      TWO KINGDOM SYSTEM: (ARISTOTLE) Aristotle divided livings into:- Plants & Animals. Linnaeus into Animalia & Vegetabilia. He further divided them into classes. MERIT:- easy & simple. DEMERITS:- No clear distinction of lower forms into plants & animals, Position of Euglena (Myxotrophic)/Chlymadomonas (locomotion by flagella; chloroplast)/ fungus (heterotrophic, cell wall)/Sponges (sessile animals)/Protozoa, diatoms..lichens.etc..
*      THREE KINGDOM SYSTEM(Ernst Haeckel) added PROTISTA (all unicellular eg. Bacteria, protozoa, algae, slime moulds etc..)
*      FOUR KINGDOM SYSTEM: E. Catton distinguished between Pro-/Eukaryotes. H. Copeland created fourth kingdom: Prokaryota (now called Monera).
*      FIVE KINGDOM SYSTEM: (Robert Harding Whittaker;1920-1980) Basis of classification: 1. Complexity/ structure of cell. 2. Complexity of body organization. 3. Mode of nutrition. 4. Major ecological role.        DEMRITS: Protista as mixed bag, unicellular cases like yeast & Chlymadomonas not included, position of symbiotic forms like lichen is ambiguous etc..
*      SIX KINGDOM SYSTEM: (Karl Wose-O. Kandler – M.L. Wheelis; 1990) Three major gps. (DOMAIN)- Eukarya (Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia) Bacteria (Eubacteria) & Archaea (Archebacteria). (based on recent DNA sequencing & Nucleic acid Hybridization method). Evidence from experiments of Carol Bult (1996) by sequencing of 1.7 million bp of bacterium Methanococcus jannaschii.


*      Firstly used by Fred Cohen(1984) for COMPUTER reference, Discovered in Tobacco leaf by D. Ivanowsky.
*      Adolf Mayer (1879) firstly transmitted it using juice extract to infect other plants.
*      M. Beijerinck (1898) called it as “contagium vivum fluidum”. (soluble living germs)
*      “VIRION” (simplest structured viruse) was termed by Lwoff, Anderson & Jacob (1959).
*      Felix D’Herelle (1917) coined the term ‘BACTERIOPHAGE’.
*      W.M.Stanley (1935) purified & crystallized TMV (Nobel Prize 1946). H. Ruska (1940) photographed Viruse
*      Harshey & Chase (1952) T-2 Bacteriophage experiments on DNA Semi-conservative replication.
*      Zinder & Lederberg(1952) discovered “Generalized Transduction”.
*      Alick Issacs & Jean Lindemann (1957) discovered INTERFERONS.
*      Bruce Samuel Blumberg (1963) discovered Hepatitis B Virus (Nobel Prize 1976)
*      Temin & Baltimore (1970) discovered Reverse Transcription in Retroviruses (Nobel Prize 1975).
*      T. O Diener (1971) discovered VIROIDS & differentiated with Viruses.
*      M Bishop & H Varmus (1976) explained ONCOGENE from Rous sarcoma Virus (Noble Prize, 1989).
*      F. Sanger (1977) explained complete nucleotide sequence of 5375 nucleotides of φx174 (Noble Prize,1980)
*      Francosise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier (1983-84) isolated & identified the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that cause Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) [Nobel Prize, 2008].
*      Yuan Chang & Patrick Moore (1994) identified Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8), the causative agent of Kaposi’s Sarcoma using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Technology.


Ø CHARACTERISTICS OF VIRUSES: - Smallest living structures made only of Nucleic acid & Protein coat. Largest viruses T4 – phages contain 77 genes, smallest Qβ and MS2 contain only 3 genes. Species specific for host.
Ø STRUCTURE: - (a) CORE: - genetic material DNA or RNA {* Human Cytomegalo Virus, exceptionally has BOTH – DNA genome & 4 mRNA’s} (b) CAPSID: - Protective Protein coat around core (c) NUCLEOCAPSID: - combined structure formed by core & capsid (d) ENVELOP: - viruses like HIV & Influenza have an additional lipoprotein layer around capsid derived from cell surface membrane of the Host. (e) CAPSOMERE: - identical repeating sub- units in some Capsids.
Ø Unlike other microbes, Viruses do not grow on artificial medium, lacked functional anatomy & can pass through bacteria proof Chamberland filter (porcelain filter).
Ø Virus undergo Mutation but act as living only inside a living host ( needed for their metabolism).
Ø PLAQUES are clear spots on the surface of culture medium having Bacteriophages & bacteria, formed by the lyses of host bacterial cells by Bacteriophages.
Ø Viral reproductive cycle can be LYTIC or LYSOGENIC. In Lytic, virus destroy the host cell & in Lysogenic, viral genome replicate with host DNA & at times carry host DNA as PROPHAGES (bacterial Transduction).
Ø CLASSIFICATION: - Holmes (1948) classified them into Three Groups. I – PHAGINAE (attacks bacteria), II – PHYTOPHAGENIA (attacks plants) & III _ ZOOPHAGENIA (attacks animals).
Ø Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV): - discovered by M.W Beijerinck (1898): - First virus discovered, most studied plant virus, genetic material is ssRNA, Rod shaped, Capsid is made of 2130 capsomeres each containing single polypeptide chain made of 158 amino acids.

Ø BACTERIOPHAGES: - Discovered by Fredrich Twort (1915) & Felix d’Herelle (1917) named it. It contains Nucleoprotein. Some phages are comma shaped, some spherical but majority of them are Tadpole shaped. Typically they have a Polyhedral Head, Short neck, a collar & straight tail. The genetic material DNA is located in the head enclosed by a protein Capsid.

Ø RETROVIRUSES: - possess ssRNA genome, also a gene for Reverse Transcription to copy +RNA from a –DNA copy. (Temin, 1970). Cancer producing viruses are called Oncoviruses.
                                 (General Structure of a Retrovirus)                                 
Ø “Regressive Theory” of Viral Origin: - origin as mobile genetic elements (like Transposons or plasmids).
“Non cellular organisms containing genome but lacks one of the essential features of a virus.”
1.      VIROIDS (discovered by T. O Diener, 1971) small single stranded circular “ Naked RNA” molecules  (250-370 nucleotides) without capsid, only 1/10th the size of smallest Virus. Cause disease like Potato spindle-tuber disease, exocortis disease of citrus trees & chrysanthemum stunt disease.
2.      SATELLITE VIRUSES (discovered by B. Kassanis, 1966) known as “Incomplete Viruses”. The replication of these viruses depends on the co-infection of a second ‘Helper virus’.
3.      VIRUSOIDS (discovered by J.W. Randles, 1981) structurally & functionally similar to viroids but are located inside the protein coat of a true virus.
4.      PRIONS (Proteinaceous Infectious Particles) unique among infectious agents as they contain NO Nucleic Acid (composed exclusively of Proteins). It does not replicate itself, it causes another protein to change its shape and thereby becomes a prion (Stanley Prusiner, awarded Nobel Prize 1997, for his work on prions)
*      INTERFERONS: (DISCOVERED BY Alick Isaacs & Jean Lindemann, 1957) group of small antiviral glycoprotein which inhibit viral multiplication. Human Interferons are of three molecular types: - (a) alpha Interferon (α-IFN) produced by Leucocytes. (b) Beta Interferon (β-IFN) produced by Fibroblasts and (c) Gamma Interferon (Ƴ-IFN) produced by Lymphocytes. Generally, α & β are powerful Antiviral Protein. Interferons are Virus non-specific (same interferon is active against different viruses). Apart from defense, they also regulate cell motility, cell division, activation of Macrophages * Transplant Tissue rejection (graft rejection).
1.      Pneumotropic Diseases: (involves respiratory tract) eg. Influenza, SARS & common cold.
2.      Dermotropic Diseases: (involving Skin & allied structures) eg. Herpes, Chickenpox (Varicella), Smallpox (Variola), Measles (rubeola), mumps, German Measles (Rubella) etc..
3.      Viscerotropic Diseases: (internal organs) eg. Yellow fever, Dengue, Hepatitis, AIDS etc..
4.      Neurotropic Diseases: (involves mainly CNS) eg. Rabies, Polio, Encephalitis.
              Bunchy Top of Banana, Grassy Shoot of Sugarcane, Leaf curl of Papaya, Little leaf of Brinjal, Potato leaf roll, Rosette disease of Groundnut, Tobacco mosaic, Tobacco ring spot, Tungro disease of Rice, Yellow vein mosaic of Lady Finger.
Ø  Which classification is based on morphological character: artificial/natural/phylogenetic (DPMT 2008).
Ø  In Eukaryotes, which of these is not found: plastid/nucleus/ribosome/mesosome (Har. PMT 2001)
Ø  The host of TMV is : Nicotiana/Withania/Triticum/Datura (Odisha JEE 2007)
Ø  TMV has a : ssRNA/dsRNA/ssDNA/dsDNA (JKCMEE 2008)
Ø  Provirus is: a free virus/primitive virus/free DNA/integral viral genome (CPMT 2007; JCECE 2008)
Ø  Methanogens are most abundant in: Hot springs/Cattle field/sulphur rock/ polluted stream ( AIPMT 2011)
Ø  Infectious proteins are present in: prions/viroids/satellite virus/ Gemini viruses (AIPMT 2010)
Ø  Viruses has: prokaryotic nucleus/single chromosome/both DNA & RNA/DNA in protein coat (AIPMT 2014)
Ø  Which one has coiled RNA & capsomeres: Retroviruses/Polio Virus/Measles Virus/TMV (AIPMT 2014)
Ø  Motile bacteria moves by: pili/cilia/flagella/fimbrae (AIPMT 2014)
Ø  What perform the function of mitochondria in bacteria: cell wall/pili/ribosome/mesosome (AIPMT 2014)
Ø  Archebacteria differ from eubacteria in: st. of cell memb./reproduction/nutrition/cell shape (AIPMT 2014)
Ø  Which of them is not in Whittaker’s classification: algae/viruses/fungi/bacteria (BHU 2012)
Ø  Cyanobacteria are also referred to as: Protista/golden algae/slime mould/blue green algae (AIPMT 2012)
Ø  Which of them is caused by virus: syphilis/diphtheria/polio/T.B (AMU 2013)
Ø  Which of them cause Potato Spindle Tuber disease: Viroid/virion/prion/Rhabdovirus (MPPMT 2007)
Ø  T.O Diener discovered: Bacteriophage/infectious protein/free inf. RNA/free infectious DNA (AIPMT 2009)
Ø  Which of them has ssDNA: TMV/Reovirus/Wound Tumor Virus/φx174 coliphage (DPMT 2003; Kerala 1997)
Ø  Polio is caused by: Bacteriophage/dsDNA virus/ssRNA virus/ssDNA virus (DUMET 2010)
Ø  Phylogenetic system is based up on which of them: floral/chemical/physical/evolutionary (AIPMT 2009)
Ø  Phenatic system is based on:                                                                                                                      (AIPMT 2003;2004)
(a)  Sexual characteristics
(b)  Dendrogram based on DNA characteristics
(c)   The ancestral lineage of existing organisms
(d)   Observable characteristics of an existing organism.

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